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Bible Trivia Questions for November 19th

The daily Bible trivia/quiz questions are drawn from the scheduled daily Bible readings for today. If you haven't already, we invite you to read through the daily passages (see the side bar at left) and then test your Bible memory with the following questions. The answer to each question can be found directly in the referenced Bible verse; click the verse itself to see the text. Use the links beneath the questions to go to the previous/next day's questions, or select any day from the provided drop down list and jump directly to that day's question set. Enjoy!

1673) Which king was beseiging Jerusalem while Jeremiah prophesied to King Zedekiah?
a) Darius
b) Pharoah Neco
c) Nebuchadnezzar
Jeremiah 34:1-2 NIV

1674) What promise did God make (through Jeremiah) to King Zedekiah concerning the impending attack from Babylon?
Jeremiah 34:3-5 NIV

1675) "Your name, O LORD, endures forever, your _______, O LORD, through all generations."
Psalm 135:13 NIV

1676) "But you are a chosen people, a ______ ___________, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
1 Peter 2:9 NIV

1677) What did Peter suggest that people should do in order to "silence the ignorant talk of foolish men?"
1 Peter 2:15 NIV

1678) "Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for _____; live as servants of God."
1 Peter 2:16 NIV