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Bible Trivia Questions for July 8th
The daily Bible trivia/quiz questions are drawn from the scheduled daily Bible readings for today. If you haven't already, we invite you to read through the daily passages (see the side bar at left) and then test your Bible memory with the following questions. The answer to each question can be found directly in the referenced Bible verse; click the verse itself to see the text. Use the links beneath the questions to go to the previous/next day's questions, or select any day from the provided drop down list and jump directly to that day's question set. Enjoy!
403) What did God promise he would do for Solomon, providing he (Solomon) Obeyed God's commands?
1 Kings 9:4-5 NIV
404) What did God promise would happen if Solomon or his sons turned away from Him?
1 Kings 9:6-7 NIV
405) How many towns did King Solomon give to Hiram, King of Tyre, in exchange for his assistance in building the temple and the palace?
a) 20
b) 40
c) 200
1 Kings 9:11 NIV
406) What was Hiram's reaction to the towns Solomon gave him?
1 Kings 9:12-13 NIV
407) How much gold had Hiram given to Solomon?
a) 200 pounds
b) 1 ton
c) 4.5 tons
1 Kings 9:14 NIV
408) How did Solomon obtain the town of Gezer?
1 Kings 9:16 NIV
409) How often did Solomon sacrifice burnt offerings and fellowship offerings on the altar he had built?
a) Every day
b) Once a month
c) 3 times a year
1 Kings 9:25 NIV
410) How much gold did Solomon's sailors bring back from Ophir?
a) 350 pounds
b) 4 tons
c) 16 tons
1 Kings 9:26-28 NIV
411) Which disciples did Jesus take with him when he prayed in Gethsemane?
Mark 14:32-34 NIV
412) Who betrayed Jesus into the hands of the guards?
Mark 14:43-46 NIV
413) What did Peter do when he realized that Jesus' prediction about him disowning Jesus came true?
Mark 14:72 NIV