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Bible Trivia Questions for June 25th
The daily Bible trivia/quiz questions are drawn from the scheduled daily Bible readings for today. If you haven't already, we invite you to read through the daily passages (see the side bar at left) and then test your Bible memory with the following questions. The answer to each question can be found directly in the referenced Bible verse; click the verse itself to see the text. Use the links beneath the questions to go to the previous/next day's questions, or select any day from the provided drop down list and jump directly to that day's question set. Enjoy!
274) When David mustered the troops against Absalom, he divided them into 3 divisions under the command of Ittai, Abishai, and who?
2 Samuel 18:1-2 NIV
275) How did the troops respond to David's announcement that he would fight with them?
2 Samuel 18:2-4 NIV
276) As they marched out to fight Absalom, David made a special request of each of the army commanders. What was it?
2 Samuel 18:5 NIV
277) In the battle between David and Absalom's men, what was it that "claimed more lives than the sword?"
2 Samuel 18:8 NIV
278) When David's men finally caught up with Absalom, where did they find him?
2 Samuel 18:9 NIV
279) Who killed Absalom?
a) Joab
b) Abishai
c) the Lord
2 Samuel 18:14-15 NIV
280) What did Absalom name the pillar that he erected in tribute to himself?
2 Samuel 18:18 NIV
281) Who outran the Cushite so that he could be the first to tell David of the victory over Absalom's men?
a) Zadok
b) Ahimaaz
c) Abiathar
2 Samuel 18:23-28 NIV
282) What was it that Jesus explained really makes a man "unclean?"
Mark 7:20-23 NIV
283) Of what nationality was the woman who said "but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs?"
a) Roman
b) Greek
c) Samaritan
Mark 7:26-28 NIV