Today's Readings
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Bible Trivia Questions for October 20th
The daily Bible trivia/quiz questions are drawn from the scheduled daily Bible readings for today. If you haven't already, we invite you to read through the daily passages (see the side bar at left) and then test your Bible memory with the following questions. The answer to each question can be found directly in the referenced Bible verse; click the verse itself to see the text. Use the links beneath the questions to go to the previous/next day's questions, or select any day from the provided drop down list and jump directly to that day's question set. Enjoy!
1453) Who was Isaiah and his son sent to meet on the road to the Washerman's field?
a) Ahaz
b) Jotham
c) Uzziah
Isaiah 7:3 NIV
1454) Who did Aram ally themselves with that caused the hearts of Ahaz and his men to shake "as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind?"
Isaiah 7:2 NIV
1455) The LORD commanded Ahaz to ask him for a sign. How did Ahaz respond?
Isaiah 7:10-12 NIV
1456) In deference to Ahaz's refusal, what sign did the LORD promise to provide for them anyway?
Isaiah 7:14 NIV
1457) What is the meaning of the words "Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz," which Isaiah was commanded to write on a scroll?
Isaiah 8:1 NIV
1458) The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make your ________ a footstool for your feet."
Psalm 110:1 NIV
1459) How long was the dragon (or the devil) chained locked into the Abyss?
Revelation 20:1-3 NIV
1460) After the devil was set free and deceived many people (who were ultimately destroyed) what happened to him?
Revelation 20:7-10 NIV
1461) What happened to any of the people, now risen from the dead, whose names were not found in the book of life?
Revelation 20:12-15 NIV